Teaching Experience
Fall 2021
Social Work Practice with Children in Families, Washington University in St. Louis|Brown School of Social Work
- Course designed to provide students with an overview of children’s services from a historical, theoretical,and practice perspective, focusing on families, and on middle childhood, from four through twelve years ofage.
Fall 2021
Teaching for Social Impact Fellow, Fall 2021 & Spring 2022, Washington University in St. Louis
- Collaborate with WUSTL educational developers to engage faculty in integrating current events into theircourses such as responding to the pandemic, Black Lives Matter, the Election, and/or the St. Louis communityin ways that are aligned with one’s educational values.
August 2020-Present
SWRK 6350: Trauma and Black Adolescents, Western Michigan University|School of Social Work
- Course focuses on prevention, assessment, and intervention strategies for Black adolescents who have experienced trauma
Teaching Assistant
Spring 2021
Sociology of Education, Washington University in St. Louis|Department of Education
Lead Instructor: Ebony Duncan-Shippy, Ph.D.
- Supported instruction and grading. Course provided an overview of sociological theory and research on the relationship between schooling and U.S. society; examining major theoretical perspectives on the purpose and social organization of mass education in the United States, along with some of the ideological, cultural, and systemic dimensions of contemporary problems in education
Teaching Assistant
Spring 2021
Social Work Practice with Individuals, Families, and Groups (Practice 1)
Lead Instructor: Lorien Carter, MSW, Washington University in St. Louis | Brown School of Social Work
- Co-instruct and support first-year MSW students in developing the basic knowledge and skills needed for social work practice with individuals, families, and groups. This course presents a historical view of social work practice with an overview of the values and ethics that characterize the profession
Teaching Assistant
Spring 2020
Poverty and Institutionalized Racism: An Immersion Course
Lead Instructor: Jack Kirkland, MSW, Washington University in St. Louis|Brown School of Social Work
- Supported the instruction of MSW/MPH students in a one-week immersion course where students lived in East St. Louis, learning about the consequences of racism and poverty through experiential learning
Research Experience
Research Assistant
August 2020
Principal Investigator: Von Nebbitt, Ph.D., Washington University in St. Louis|Brown School of Social Work
Black Families & Environment Scholars Collective
Project focus: MacArthur Foundation-funded project examining the effects of neighborhood and family on child outcomes
- Increase knowledge and contribute to research on low-income African American families
- Gain skills in data management and analysis, formulating research questions, and knowledge dissemination via conference presentation and manuscript publication
Predoctoral Fellow & Research Assistant
Aug. 2020-Dec. 2020
Supervisors: Gary Parker & Dean Mary McKay, Ph.D., Clark-Fox Policy Institute
Washington University St. Louis
- Attend weekly Clark Fox Policy Institute leadership meetings
- Participate in supported learning around policy brief development
- Responsible for writing policy and peer-review quality policy briefs utilizing current research
Research Assistant
June 2020-Sept. 2020
Principal Investigator: Eve. L. Ewing, Ed.D, University of Chicago
Project: “Outer City Children”—Book and Manuscript Project
Project focus: “This book project examines the phenomena of massive Black out-migration from the city of Chicago and its implications for 1) schools, social service agencies, non-profit organizations, and other institutions; 2) the identity and future of the city and cities like it across the nation where low-income people of color have been pushed to the social and geographic periphery; and 3) the field of urban sociology, which historically has focused on the notion of an ‘inner-city.'”
- Participated along with team members in NVIVO Essentials Training to effectively analyze data
- Independently coded 20 transcripts (individual and focus groups) utilizing NIVIVO software for qualitative analysis
- Participated in team meetings and collaborated with its members to analyze data
- Analyzed data using “flexible coding” method as developed by Detering & Waters (2018)
Sept. 2018-May 2018
Chicago Teacher’s Union, Teacher Leadership Policy Fellowship
Supervisor: Kurt Hilgendorf
Presentation Title: The Overrepresentation of African American Children in Special Education: Racism and Poverty
- Developed and enhanced personal toolbox of research, communication, and engagement skills
- Created and proposed alternatives to current education policies with key union and elected officials
- Engaged with union leaders, elected officials, and policymakers to influence their understanding of education and educators
- Conducted action research in the area of education policy
Clinical & Professional Experience
"Ms Horton is a consummate professional who truly cares about families and communities. She is profoundly resourceful and has a track record of successfully engaging, connecting and providing therapeutic interventions. She uses data to inform decisions and is a leader who exhibits characteristics geared toward to success. She is a great humanitarian, scholar and advocate for human rights."
-Carolyn Franklin, Social Work Manager, Chicago Public Schools
Founder/Licensed Clinical Social Worker
Jan. 2023-Present
Becoming Therapeutic Services LLC
- Confidently establishing a therapeutic relationship and provide ongoing mental health treatment within the scope of practice denoted by the state of Illinois
- Utilize evidence-based interventions/protocols to support varying diagnoses (i.e. anxiety,depression, ADHD among others) and overall mental health of adults, teens/parents, and clients of faith
- Conducts comprehensive and ongoing assessments
- Provide and equip clients with psychoeducation around diagnoses and areas of need
- Collaborate and consult with other telemental health therapists to enhance clinical toolbox
City-Wide School Social Worker
February 2014-Aug. 2020
Chicago Public Schools
- Served as a mentor to incoming school social workers; responding to questions, providing support during crisis situations, and reviewing accurate completion of documentation, assessments and student goals
- Served as a field instructor for social work interns; providing supervision during direct and indirect service delivery, equipped intern with interventions, resources, and tools to solve challenging problems within all school tiers
- Delivered therapeutic counseling services to students (group and individual) in both regular and special education categories
- Provided consultation services to faculty, co-team members, parents regarding emotional and socio-cultural factors impacting student academic success
- Conducted diagnostic assessments for students needing initial and reevaluations
- Developed, evaluated, and reported school social work Individualized Education Plans and participated/presented assessment findings in meetings and conferences
- Provided crisis intervention services to students, faculty, and parents
- Worked with multiple stakeholders and administrators to support and promote a positive school culture & climate as well as promote academic success
- Taught and led social-emotional skills across elementary school classrooms using tier one/two interventions such as “Second Step”
Sept. 2009-Dec. 2009
The White House, Office of Presential Correspondence
- Analyzed over 200 letters daily and gifts from the American public & dignitaries for the First Family
- Examined casework specific correspondence, forwarding to appropriate agency
- Mentored, tutored, gave presentations to youth at a local D.C. high school for the White House D.C. scholars program
- Corresponded with American public via comment line; answering questions and providing assistance
- Served as staff for White House events & guided East Wing Tours for large and small groups
- Participated in weekly speaker events involving White House cabinet member staff with topics ranging from domestic policy, public health, homeland security, and education
*Additional clinical and professional expertise available upon CV request*